Many great things have been said about college education but there is one thing that has been repeatedly over looked. We are taught lots of theorems in class however our schedules are so tight. Imagine having 10 hours of classes in a day, tones of assignments, pressure to prepare for C.A.T’s exams, very little time and emphasis is given to practicles. This take’s a great toil on the student leaving them without much energy to apply what they learn in class to the real world.
All over the world employers claim college graduates are only full of theories and without hands on experience. How do you expect us to learn the ropes of our professions when college education is exams oriented? We are forced to spend countless hours cramming and revising for exams and none to be creative, develop ideas and talents based on what we’ve learnt in class!
Thousands graduate from colleges every year without entrepreneurial skills hence becoming job seekers in a struggling economy. I strongly believe it’s time the government and all stakeholders review our current education system and make necessary changes in order to achieve vision 2030.The young people have great potential in coming up with major discoveries and business ideas that will help transform lives, create jobs and make a difference. Unfortunately this will never come to pass unless something is done TODAY! Remember It begins with you and I.
By lammeigier
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